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El rincón de mautemático

Las Cosas son como deben, no como deberían Ser.

My atom settings

Just in case any of we (because I’m also one of the we set) wish to see my settings, I have them on a github’s gist.

You can get a copy of my (I hope up to date and complete) relevant configuration files at

By now the gist is maintained by an’s plug-in, sync-settings. This plugin gives you the option to backup (upload) your atom settings to a github’s gist. Also it offers you the chance to restore (download) your configuration from the same gist.

This plug-in is not actually a sync tool yet, but I think it’s on it’s own way there… And I hope it’ll be there soon. :simile:

May be I’ll post again about this plugin to show you how to use it. Meanwhile, you can of course give it a look to sync-settings description, at